Teaneck’s Zoning Bd. Memorializes 100 State Street Approval

Published On February 11, 2020 » 1162 Views» Development, Slider

The agenda for the 2/6/2020 meeting of the Teaneck Board of Adjustment called for “memorialization” of the decision the Board  had taken on 12/5/2019 to approve the application for a 68-unit multifamily residential building at 100 State Street that involved many variances from the multifamily zoning that is applicable to this location.

7 prior hearings on this application stretching from February to this last, December 5, one had brought out what Board members commented was an unprecedented number of public objectors.
The vote to approve was 6-1. But when it came time to approve the written resolution itself on 2/6/2020, only 2 of the 6 Board member supporters were in attendance.
However Board Attorney Madaio explains in this video that the only persons eligible to vote to approve – memorialize – the full resolution are the Board members who voted in the affirmative back on December 5.

This 3 1/2 minute video belowc captures the entire Board discussion of this process, including the 2-0 vote for the memorialization as presented.

The actual resolution itself- a document with many flaws – has just been acquired. It can be seen by clicking it into full size print just below the video.


In order to see and read the 100 State Street document in full size print, it takes 3 clicks:
1) First click this file itself: 100 State St., – ZB2016-08 – resol.;
2) then click the boxed url that appears below;
3) then click DIRECTLY on the tiny print document that appears



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